Winter Works Snow Plough & Gritting Services
We can provide a complete winter package for Businesses, Health Care, Retail, Educational & Public Infrastructure. Many pre planned winter packages are available to choose from depending on your possible needs for your business. A 24 hour service is available during times of adverse weather conditions.
Many pre planned winter packages are available to choose from depending on your possible needs for your business. A 24 hour service is available during times of adverse weather conditions.No matter how large or how small your requirement is, we are here to assist you & your business during cold times. Salt Spreading can be carried out from the very smallest of hand operated spreaders to large truck mounted units if your areas require large volumes of application.
We also cater for Salt Handling & Storage for clients who wish to avail of our winter services packages.

O'Donovan Agri Environmental Services Agricultural , Horticultural & Environmental Consultants, Ballincollig, Co Cork.
Tel: 021 4871207 • Fax: 021 4871411 Mobile: 087 2433194
O'Donovan Agri (Operation & Maintenance) Ltd Carriganarra, Ballincollig, Co Cork.
Tel: 021 4878036
Mobile: 087 2433194 / 086 2433194 / 086 1758046
O'Donovan Agri (Equipment Sales & Services) Ballincollig Commercial Park, Link Road, Ballincollig, Co Cork.
Tel: 021 4873020 • Mobile: 086 1758042
O'Donovan Agri (Asset Management & Leasing) Castleview House, Ballincollig, Co. Cork.
Tel: 021-4871207 • Mob: 087-2433194
O'Donovan Agri (Event Solutions) Carriganarra, Ballincollig, Co Cork.
Tel: 087 2433194 / 086 1758046